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Girl Scout All-States Encampments and Senior Girl Scout Roundups


Girl Scout All-States Encampments were held yearly from 1951 through 1968, held in several different states over the years. Like the Roundups, competition was high to be selected to attend an All-States, whether you were a Senior Girl Scout or an adult volunteer. Some years the camp was international with campers and volunteers from other countries, often using the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund to cover costs.

A Senior Girl Scout Roundup could be considered the highlight of any Girl Scout's path.


 The requirements to apply for a slot were high and the competition was stiff. Generally 8 girls were chosen to represent each council. 2 alternate girls were also chosen. Those 8 girls were one patrol, they would join 3 other patrols (intentionally chosen from 3 other geographical areas) to form 1 troop. 2 adults were selected to be leaders. All girls and adult volunteers had to attend training and encampments in their regions to prepare for the Roundup. Not only were Roundup Camp Uniforms required, the Seniors often traveled to the Roundup in the full Senior dress uniform!  Girls from other countries were invited to attend as well. This was a cream-of-the-crop camp out.


 It was meant to show off the best of Girl Scouting.


Each roundup had a theme/slogan and the trading post had many "Roundup" items to offer beyond the pins and patches; dolls in roundup uniforms, plates, ashtrays, handkerchiefs, mugs, ceramic tiles, etc.

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