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Girl Scouts  Jubilee Roundup '86

Farragut State Park, Idaho

July 23 - July 28, 1986

Theme: World of the Arts


Also remembered as the Diamond Jubilee Roundup because it was held just before  the 75th Anniversary of Girl Scouting, it was a smaller version of the 1965 Senior Girl Scout Roundup.


This Roundup was limited to Girl Scouts registered in the 8 Girl Scout Councils in the Pacific Northwest (AK, WA, OR, ID, WY, CA, NV & UT) and invited international Girl Scouts/Girl Guides. Japan, England, New Zealand, Finland and British Columbia, Canada and Alberta Canada sent representatives.


However, it wasn't limited to just Senior Girl Scouts, Cadettes in at least in the 7th grade could also apply to attend, so this wasn't technically a Senior camp.


The cost was $50 per girl, and each patrol had to bring their own food. 



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Gail of Vancouver, Washington was kind enough to email some more information about the Jubilee Roundup - It was in Farragut, Idaho (the GEM state) with about 3,000 Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in attendance. It was called the Diamond Jubilee because the 75th Anniversary of GSUSA was the following year. There were 2 living areas; Gold and Silver, then the sub-camps where named after gems.

The camp shirt was white with the iron on logo. Instructions were sent with where to iron the patch on the shirt. Green hats were given to leaders, Blue hats for Staff and white hats for girls.

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