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Girl Scout Creed

Creed - a concise statement of one's beliefs.

There are 2 known efforts to establish a creed for Girl Scouting. The first was done by Henry Van Dyke, published in 1925.

The second effort was by Charles Buzza, at some time after 1928 - judging by the uniform worn by the Girl Scout on the plaque.


As loyal Girl Scouts we believe these things:


Our life is given us by God to develop through work and play and fellowship into a pure, hearty, happy, useful womanhood.


Christ came to deliver us from evil and teach us how to enjoy everything good in this world and the next.


Our work and pastime out-of-doors ought to make us more fit and ready for our tasks indoors.


Girls and boys, women and men, have equal rights, but duties differing according to their abilities; and for all of us the first thing is to learn to perform our job well, and the indispensable thing is to help others in the spirit of good.


Every girl ought to know how to light a fire, to cook a meal, to sew, to swim, to run, to row, and as many other useful things as possible.


Nothing mean or false is worthy of us, and nothing fine or brave is impossible for us with God's help.


Henry Van Dyke.

The Altvaters


The Girl Scout Creed


To perform my duty to God and to my Country. To so live that my honor may always be trusted and worthy of trust. To be useful and helpful to others, being ever prepared to do a good deed each day. To be loyal and obedient and to seek to uphold the Girl Scout Laws. To regard every other Girl Scout as a sister and to be a friend to every human being. To be kind to animals. To be cheerful, courteous and thrifty and to be clean, wholesome in every thought and act.



Although the Girl Scout shown is in a brownish uniform the style is post 1927 when GS dropped the khaki and switched to a grey-green fabric.


This framed item is 8" x 6"




Created by

The Buzza Co, Inc, M'PLS, USA




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