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 The Mystery of the National Senior Girl Scout Roundup 1968 - Did it really happen?

Officially, it was the Roundup that wasn't - the 1968 National Senior Girl Scout Roundup never got a chance. Times they were a'changing.


What was hoped to be the triennial pinnacle of Girl Scouting and just as familiar as the Boy Scout Jamborees, the U.S. military - that gave much of the background logistical support -  was unable to guarantee their support. I would like to note that BSA held it's 1967 World Jamboree of Friendship AND 1969 their National Jamboree at Farragut State Park, ID (with 40,000 in attendance) - somehow they managed.


Whatever the real reasons for the cancellation of the event there seems to be some evidence that the Roundup did actually happen, just on a smaller scale. Where & when did it happen?Follow my thoughts here and see what you think.


  • The cancellation was announced in 1966. This allowed plenty of time for local Girl Scouts to jump into action. Back then Girl Scouting was divided up into "Regions" - and many regions did go on to have regional roundups - leading to many confused memories of Girl Scouts who remember going to a Roundup in 1968.

  • But there was one Roundup that stood out - the one held at Camp Hilaka, OH. Noted in the Girl Scout Leader Magazine, April 1967, page 15 under Opportunities 1968. It lists simply a Senior Roundup with a theme of "After Tomorrow." No other regional camp listed a theme. AND, unlike other regional camps it was open to Senior Girl Scouts from several regions and Canadian Girl Guides. (yes- it is listed under Council events instead of National events)

  • This roundup included trips to area sites such as; Cleveland State College, Mt. Sinai and University Hospitals, Cleveland Electrical Illuminating Company and the Ohio Bell Telephone Company - just like earlier National Senior Girl Scout Roundups.

  • Several newspapers, independent of each other, listed this particular camp as the National Senior Girl Scout Roundup.

  • AND there's a patch!

  • See the examples below - what do you think?



Noted here is an example of the news coverage for a regional roundup


Example of a regional/local Roundup patch for 1968








Two months after the National Roundup was cancelled, newspapers were still mentioning it as an upcoming event.


This patch clearly says (abbreviatedly)

National Senior Girl Scout Roundup 68.

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