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Girl Scout Graves









What an excellent service project - adopting and caring for any neglected Girl Scout graves/memorials.  It takes research and luck to find them, but they shouldn't be forgotten.


Catherine "Kit" Hammett was one of the jewels of Girl Scouting. Best remembered for the "Camping Caravan" when she (and others) drove all across America to teach and encourage Girl Scout leaders to GET OUT THERE. 

Newport Memorial Park Middletown, Rhode Island

Findagrave # 211715717






































1946 - Girl Scout Leader magazine

Does the "Book of Memory" still exist?

Is it still active?


Dorothy Cleo "Dottie" Carey

Davids-Carey Family Plot

Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, TN


Findagrave #24201360


Nice biography on the Findagrave website. My favorite line is "(her) life embodied the Girl Scout Promise."


This image actually has a copyright on it. I tried to contact them for permission, but they "aren't accepting messages"

The following 14 Girl Scout or Girl Guide graves were submitted by Molly O'Brien, Girl Scout researcher extraordinaire  (unknown council). The final one, Betty St. Clair Baden-Powell Clay is way below, just above her parents. Thanks Molly!


Genevieve Marie "Crispy" Enbey Ryan

Mount Olivet Cemetery


Findagrave #102030755


Lifetime Girl Scout over 50 years


Ellen Hillyer Newell Bryan

Oakland Cemetery

Atlanta, GA


Findagrave #14236134


Active in Girl Scouting more than 60 years, Commissioner of Atlanta Girl Scouts, on the National Board of Directors, among other things.


Make New Friends

But Keep the Old

Girl Scout Song


Ethel Jean Shumate Foran

Point Pleasant Cemetery

Long Creek, Macon Co., IL


Findagrave # 65167130


One time Executive Director of Shemamo Girl Scouts. Her biography mentions "She loved the Girl Scouts and no task was too great or too small."


Melissa Fern Barr Watson

Evergreen Cemetery

Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa


Findagrave # 108384293


Long time leader and volunteer with Girl Scouting - and possibly a Dale Earnhardt fan.



Autumn Renee Greeno

Kilmore United Methodist Church Cemetery

Frankfort, Clinton Co., IN


Findagrave # 33796004


Just 21 years old, she had been a Girl Scout for 10 years.


Ruth N Taber Haslegrave

Ancient Little Neck Burial Grounds/Cemetery (Est. 1655)

East Providence, Rhode Island


Findagrave # 95836707


"82 Years of Girl Scout Service"


The Girl Scout Council of Southeastern New England has a "Ruth Haslegrave Milestones of Membership" Award. Must have 75 years or more of girl or adult membership in Girl Scouting.



Rena Donnell Canipe

Woodlawn Cemetery

West Palm Beach, Florida


Findagrave # 115550062


Obituary "... Rena was involved in Girl Scouting for 90 years and at the age of 3 was the "mascot" of the first troop in South Florida. As a child she met Juliette Low (Founder of Girl Scouting) and as an adult, she helped start the Palm Glades Girl Scout Council..."


Muriel M. Kluczinske Strauss

Evergreen Cemetery

Manitowoc, WI


Findagrave # 95221312


Obituary...She was also actively involved in Girl Scouts for more than 50 years. Muriel was the recipient of the Thanks Badge and Thanks Badge II, the highest honor bestowed in girl scouting. She was affectionately known as "Tooter - The Cookie Mom."


Jodi Kristine Grogan

Roy City Cemetery

Roy, Weber Co., Utah


Findagrave # 150913573


Obituary... Jodi's biggest adventure in life began when she was in the 1st grade and became a Brownie Girl Scout. She spent 12 happy years in Girl Scouting and made a lifetime of friends along the way. She earned the Girl Scout Silver Award in Junior High and the GS highest Award, the Gold Award, in High School. Her greatest love in GS was horse camp. Her camp name was "Dallas". Every summer, for eight years, Dallas attended horse camp at Trefoil Ranch in Provo Canyon. She learned to ride and care for horses and later became a junior staff, Wrangler in Training, helping younger Girl Scouts learn to ride and care for horses. She didn't want to come home at the end of camp. We are positive she is in heaven right now loving and riding the camp horses that went before her!

Jodi was also able to have many leadership and travel adventures because of Girl Scouting. White water rafting in Jackson Hole, Alpine Slide in Park City, Hoover Dam in Las Vegas, Statue of Liberty & Broadway in New York City, Hawaii, Canada cruise, Mexican cruise, Shakespearean Festival Utah, etc., etc. She was privileged to serve as a GSU National Delegate to Dallas Texas at the 1996 GSUSA National Convention. Girl Scouts gave her courage, confidence and character and she made the world a better place.



Lynnetta Denise Schwartz Hibdon

City of Lubbock Cemetery

Lubbock, TX


Findagrave # 8822312


Obituary...Lynnetta was a dedicated member and supporter of Girl Scouting. She served as Troop Leader for her daughter for the last five plus years. She also served as a member of the Caprock Council and Montana Service Unit. She was honored with the Council's establishment of the Lynnetta Hibdon Award in April of this year (2004). Lynnetta loved her Girl Scouts and will remain a lasting role model in their lives...







1st Stone Cross Company.
Civilian War Dead
Died aged 17 years.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Harland, of Peelings Cottages, Hankham, Pevensey. Injured 28 September 1940, at Cavendish Place; died at Princess Alice Hospital and awared the Girl Guide Gilt Cross on 29th Sept.

Peggy Harland was 17 and lived at Peelings Cottages, Milton Street, Hankham with her parents Mr and Mrs Asher Harland. Prior to starting work she had attended Hankham Primary School, leaving at the age of 14.
It was a tense time in the UK with the Battle of Britain reaching its zenith and the threat of an invasion by Nazi Germany on the horizon.

At 5.38pm Eastbourne was attacked by two German bombers, the first was successfully dealt with by two Spitfires, but the second bomber dropped six bombs. One bomb landed on the junction of 69/71 Cavendish Place and 127 Tideswell Road.
It was the 20th raid on Eastbourne since the start of the war. The bomb exploded directly on 69 Cavendish Place, the three storey house where Peggy and her friend Myrtle Wilkinson were having tea.

Myrtle, 32, was killed outright but Peggy fell into the cellar and was trapped by a steel girder on her ankles. She lay helpless for 36 hours until Dr Roy Barron, the first aid commander, and surgeon Laurence Snowball, from the Prince Alice Hospital, managed to get to her. They found it impossible to extract her from the girder and her legs had to be amputated. 
The situation was not helped by an unexploded bomb which landed 200 yards away and a nearby burst water main which was being dealt with by the fire brigade.

Throughout this ordeal Peggy remained upbeat, which was remarkable considering the pain she must have been feeling.
Her bravery may have stemmed from her Girl Guide training with the 1st Stone Cross Company. One of the doctors told an Eastbourne Gazette reporter, "She had more pluck than any other person I have ever known, somebody was with her the whole time and she talked to us most cheerfully." In addition to Peggy's friend Myrtle, a further two people were killed but Myrtle's husband survived the blast. He was injured by the explosion and partially trapped but still managed to help the rescuers and gave them valuable assistance because he knew the layout of the cellar.

After she was rescued and brought out of the cellar Peggy was taken to the Princess Alice Hospital where it was found she had also suffered a broken back. Despite a fight for life Peggy died on the morning of Monday September 30.

She is buried at St Mary's Church, Westham. Her headstone also remembers her brother Robert Harland who was killed in France while serving with the 7th Btn The Royal Sussex Regiment, the headstone also includes the insignia of the Girl Guides Gold Cross for Fortitude – the highest award given to Girl Guides. In 1941 she was recommended for the award by Dame Alice Godman, the County Commissioner for Sussex, it was the first of its kind to be awarded posthumously. 

The rescue effort was also the largest and most difficult in Eastbourne during WWII. Four rescuers were awarded the George Medal, the Chief Fire Officer S.A. Phillips was awarded the MBE, and four rescue, police and air raid wardens were given commendations, as were the medical team who worked so hard to rescue and save Peggy.

Peggy Rosemary Harland

St. Mary the Virgin Churchyard

Westham, East Sussex, England


Findagrave # 41164115


The Girl Guides Gold Cross of Fortitude - the highest award given to Girl Guides


Peggy's name is also on this war memorial in Westham


Frances Margaret "Ricci" Turford Rickards

Valley View Memorial Gardens

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada


Findagrave # 71208682


Was a Canadian Girl Guide leader for 20 years, 1955-1975.


Isobel Duguid Trumpour

Cataraqui Cemetery

Kingston, Ontario, Canada


Was the District Commissioner with Girl Guides of Canada among her many other works.


Memorial for Girl Scout Ashley Nova Heffington, who died from her injuries in a car accident. The troop worked with Service Units to raised funds to have this plaque inserted into a picnic table at Kate Sessions Park in San Diego.

The picture above was saved from a website no longer available online, so I can't credit the photographer or site. The picture to the right is from the website The table is apparently still there.

Picture83.jpg #68882164

Dorothy M MacDonald 1920-1936

Forestdale Cemetery, Holyoke, MA

Photo by D. Brock


It's enough of a tragedy that a Girl Scout dies in the line of service, but then her faithful companion dog is remembered for possibly committing suicide in grief after her death, it's doubly hard.

St. Michael's Cemetery

Pensacola, FL


Findagrave # 67203651



"Inky" was Isabelle's camp name. A camp was named after her.

I don't know her story, but this is the grave of Linda Dorsey (1941-1955) of Troop 27. She is buried at Grove Cemetery in Holden, MA.

Remarkably her bronze trefoil marker has survived.




This is the grave of Mildred Amanda "Millie" Western (nee Hales) who was the President of the Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council. I don't know the exact dates of her tenure,  but I know it covered the mid-1980's.


Mills & Mills Memorial Park

Formerly Olympic Memorial Garden Park

Tumwater, WA

​ # 214073662


Grace Ellen Elliott



This screen shot is from the brief news report given on NBC Evening News on 5-16-2014 about a GM recall and those who had reportedly died from the car defect.

She was from Knox, PA

Perry Chapel Cemetery, Pine City, PA # 35975823

Girl Scout Contemporary Logo on upper left side of headstone.


June A Gamble


Middleton Presbyterian Church Cemetery

Elwyn, PA # 156573883

Sallie Louise Parker


Allegheny County Memorial Park

Allison Park, PA # 155260354

(no photo)


 Dorothy Marcella Wilke


Oakdale Memorial Gardens

Davenport, IA

Died of septicemia. She was only 14 years old. This news clipping of the bronze Girl Scout marker being added was a full 2 years later. 

​ # 170572974


Sadly - the bronze Girl Scout marker is no longer there


Water John Hoxie was a recognized as a naturalist and ornithologist, Civil War veteran, surveyor, educator. In his spare time he held a girl's nature study group. This group went on to become one of the first two Girl Guides of America patrols in 1912 with his friend Juliette Low. He was the author of the first handbook for the renamed Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. in 1913.


Day was the daughter of Hoxie and a well accomplished woman in her own right, including bringing Girl Scouting to Pinellas County, FL. She rests next to her father. Her marker reads: Mary Russell Day, Daughter of Walter J. Hoxie, Founder of Girl Scouting in Pinellas County, "Cappy Day"to all her scouts.

(Info gleaned from a website no longer there) # 25661625                                    # 25661304


I would love a photo and more information on this one:


On the island of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts there is a kind of historical Girl Scout marker on the gravestone of Doris Hough. Doris , as you all know, was a good friend of Juliette Low's and one of the pioneers of this great organization. I must admit it is kind of eerie to see the trefoil on a gravestone.


Submitted by "julietteinsema"


This patch used to be available from the old Suncoast Girl Scout Council


The Trefoil Tombstone Mystery

In Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia, there is a tombstone with a Girl Scout trefoil on it. The woman buried here was the second Executive Director of the Richmond Girl Scout Council. Her name was Isabel Fuller Matthes.

Isabel had been the daughter of a state senator in Richmond [Edward Fuller, was responsible a bill giving free textbooks to students in public schools]. She had graduated from Vassar College in 1918 with a major in French. She attended Columbia University for graduate work, but did not complete her graduate work.* She returned to Richmond to teach high school at John Marshall High School.  She was an athlete, playing basketball, tennis, and swimming.  At the age of 12, she had saved a man from drowning and was awarded the Carnegie Medal of Bravery.  She swam the Chesapeake Bay with only a rowboat to accompany her at one point in her life.  She was active in social work, playground work, and the local Girl Scout movement.

According to the Roll Call, Vassar College’s alumni newsletter, the first year after graduation in 1918, Isabel taught school full-time, complaining about the unruly students.  The following year, she taught part-time and was learning stenography.  Then in 1921, the Roll Call revealed her new job with the local Girl Scouts in Richmond as the Executive Director.  Isabel wrote how proud she was of her girls marching along in their khaki uniforms, saluting her.  However, she then stated that she was ‘playing the invalid and that she must go away to a dry climate.’ Sadly, it was at this time she at contracted tuberculosis. According the Richmond Dispatch, Girl Scouts grew in numbers under Isabel’s direction during the six months she was Executive Director; nevertheless, due to her illness, she was only able to serve in that position for a few short months. Her health would decline from that day on. She married in 1922 and had a son in 1923. In 1925 at the age of 27 years, Isabel died from tuberculosis.

The Richmond Girl Scout office later would discover an old record of Isabel's mother asking for permission to use the Girl Scout trefoil on her daughter’s tombstone.  She thought other Girl Scouts would like to see it, and to tell the world of Isabel’s devotion to the Girl Scout movement only thirteen years old at the time of her death.

*One part of the mystery, I still have not answered, but suspect is true. Isabel may have been in the group of young women that were recruited by Edith Macy at Columbia University in the early 1920’s. She attended Columbia University after graduating Vassar College, but never finished. Why? Because she became the Executive Director of the Girl Scouts of Richmond. The timing would be right. I’ve tried to research this part of the puzzle without success. It may just have to remain in our imaginations.

Photo of the tombstone & newspaper photo taken one year after Isabel death with Girl Scouts placing wreath on her grave.

Jane Garnett
Roanoke, VA

1925 # 8335276

Isabel Warren Fuller Matthes


​ # 8335276

Beavercreek, Ohio


Juliette Gordon Low

(on the cross)

Founder of Girl Scouts

of the United States.


(on the lower area)

Juliette Low

Wife of William W. Low

Daughter of

William W. and Eleanor Kinzie Gordon


Born October 31,1860

Died January 17, 1927

At Savannah Georgia

Now Abideth Faith, Hope and Love,

But the Greatest of These is Love.

Sadly, a quick online search shows that the family plot that includes Juliette Low's grave is still in sad condition. My understanding is that it is in control of the family.


Efforts - such as's patch (left) - has raised some funds ($11,000 as of 2012) towards raising money to pay for the improvements. They haven't posted any update on the fund raising that I can find.


When I was there, ivy was growing in the grave bed. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

​ # 5109


This Girl Scout Memorial

in situ at Beavercreek Community Park, Beavercreek, OH


The Girl Scout flag also flies here.


Photo found on Google, by Michael Abel.

3/13/07 Linda Mathis found this additional information:

 In 1997, Beavercreek Community Park was acquired by the district. This 14 acre park is a very popular starting point for local residents to access CreeksideTrail Bikepath. An important focal point of the park is Angels Pass Memorial. This memorial was constructed with private and public funds and dedicated in 1999. It commemorated the 40th anniversary of the deaths of 8 Girl Scouts and their 2 leaders killed near that site in a car-train collision. It is a beautiful and serene area with benches, trees, flowers, flag poles and a large memorial stone. The scouts and leaders as well as rescue and public safety departments are honored on this stone.


With additional funds from the Beavercreek Township Trustees, a large parking lot was built to accommodate about 50 cars.


In recent years, the site has been improved with a pond that includes a fountain, benches, lights and a walking path, all built with money secured from another Natureworks grant and local money. There are 3 primitive campsites carved out that will have access to water and electricity. A connector through the park to the Dayton Xenia Road bike path is currently under construction.


A comfort station was constructed in 2004 and funded by the Beavercreek Township Trustees. There is a gazebo and a small bridge at the front of the park. The Girl Scouts use the bridge for their bridging ceremonies. As a community service, the Girl Scouts are in charge of planting flowers and weeding the circle around the Memorial. They also plan and deliver the annual Holiday in the Park for the community in December.




























(Sarah) Bridsall Otis Edey was an all-around accomplished person with a list of achievements in her wake. A life long supporter of Girl Scouting, she held many positions in her time. Two Girl Scout camps were named after her. Known as a poet, she authored at least two books.           

Woodland Cemetery, Bellport, NY # 67276221


Betty St, Clair Baden-Powell Clay

North Cheriton Cemetery

Somerset, England


Findagrave # 184937709










Copied from Findagrave...younger daughter of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting and Olave Baden-Powell. She was the sister of Peter Baden-Powell; the aunt of Robert Baden-Powell, 3rd Baron Baden-Powell, and Michael Baden-Powell; the niece of Agnes Baden-Powell, Baden Baden-Powell; niece and goddaughter of Warington Baden-Powell; and granddaughter of Baden Powell.

Betty enrolled in the Brownies as soon as she was old enough. She was educated at Westonbirt School, Gloucestershire and St James' School in Malvern, Worcestershire. While boarding at St James' School, she joined the school's Girl Guide company

In 1936, on board ship returning from Africa, Betty met Gervas Clay (16 April 1907 – 18 April 2009), a District Commissioner in Her Majesty's Colonial Service in Northern Rhodesia (present-day Zambia), who was returning to England on leave; they married on 24 September 1936. They lived in Northern Rhodesia until retirement. Gervas Clay later became Her Majesty's Resident Commissioner of the Barotseland Protectorate, in which capacity, in 1960, he and his wife entertained Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. Gervas and Betty Clay had four children: Gillian, Robin, Nigel, and Crispin.

Betty, Gervas, and Robin Clay were all born on 16 April, sharing the same birthday; Betty's parents also shared a birthday, 22 February, and they, too, had met on board ship. Betty's brother and his wife also shared a birthday.
Upon her marriage in 1936, Betty moved to Northern Rhodesia, where she became a Cub leader for the pack of which her youngest son was a member, when the leader left. She was an active Guider in Northern Rhodesia, eventually becoming Colony Commissioner for Guides. When the Clays returned to England in 1964, Betty continued her involvement. She was President of the South West Region for the Guide Association from 1970-91. In 1978 she was appointed a vice-president of the Guide Association. In 1985 she became a vice-president of the Scout Association.

In 1993, she became only the second person ever to be awarded an honorary Gilwell Wood Badge

She was the holder of the Bronze Wolf from the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and a gold Silver Fish in the form of a brooch from the Guide Association.

In 1997 she was made a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE). She attended many Jamborees, including the 4th World Scout Jamboree and 16th World Scout Jamboree and others between.

She died, aged 87, on 24 April 2004, in Elliscombe House Nursing Home, Elliscombe House, Higher Holton, Wincanton BA9 8EA, United Kingdom where she was recovering following a fall at home. She was cremated in Yeovil Crematorium, and on Wednesday, 5 May 2004, her ashes (and five years later those of her husband Gervas) were buried in the Churchyard of the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, North Cheriton. A memorial service was held at Wells Cathedral, Somerset, on Monday, 12 July 2004 at 2:30 p.m. and was well-attended

Children and grandchildren
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857–1941), m. (1912) Olave St Clair Soames (1889–1977)
Arthur Robert Peter Baden-Powell (1913–1962) (later 2nd Baron Baden-Powell), m. (1936) Carine Crause-Boardman
Robert Crause Baden-Powell (b. 1936) (later 3rd Baron Baden-Powell)
David Michael Baden-Powell (b. 1940) (current heir to the title)
Wendy Dorothy Lilian Baden-Powell (b. 1944)
Heather Grace Baden-Powell (1915–1986), m. (1940) John Hall King (1913–2004)
Michael Robert Hall King (1942–1966), who died in the sinking of SS Heraklion
Timothy John King (1946–1995)
Betty St. Clair Baden-Powell (1917–2004), m. (1936) Gervas Charles Robert Clay (1907–2009)
Gillian Clay
Robin Clay
Nigel Clay
Crispin Clay

In addition, when Olave's sister Auriol Davidson (née Soames) died in 1919, Olave and Robert took her three nieces, Christian (1912–1975), Clare (1913–1980), and Yvonne, (1918–1995?), into their family and brought them up as their own children. Feel free to copy anything you want, but an attribution would be courteous.
Robin Clay



Lord & Lady Baden-Powell

 St Peter's Cemetery

Nyeri, Nyeri, Kenya

​ # 1271


Oddly, I couldn't find an image of Agnes Baden-Powell's headstone, the original Girl Guide. She was Baden-Powell's sister, who died in 1945.

Original headstone with British Boy Scout & Girl Guide symbols

Current headstone with International Boy Scout & WAGGGS symbols


If you can't make it to Nyeri, Kenya to visit the graves of the founders of Scouting, but you can make it to London, England - perhaps you can visit the memorial there.

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