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Girl-Only Girl Scout Pins
This page covers more of the official pins that were worn only by girls* from the earlier days until 2011.
This includes Brownie Girl Scouts, Intermediate Girl Scouts, who later were divided into the Junior and Cadette Girl Scout programs,
the Senior Girl Scout program and now the Ambassador program.
Aside from the unique Membership Pins, the Daisies did not have any other pins until 2011.
* Some pins are now being reproduced for wear on adult uniforms signifying that they were earned in their youth.
"Small Lettering" First Class Pin - 1941
This B&W 1941 catalog image shows that the small lettering of the pin is the older of the 2 versions.
"Large Lettering" version of pin. Note the "B" is centered near the middle of the clover leaf. It's not known when the change was made.
1997 Reproduction pin of the Large Lettering version of the First Class Pin.
Arrow is pointing to the word "Repro"
on the reverse.
The First Class Pin was never worn on the Intermediate or Cadette uniforms - they wore the patch.
They could wear the First Class pin if not in uniform.
However, once a girl reached Senior Girl Scouting, the First Class pin was a part of uniformed wear
if she earned it as an Intermediate Cadette.
This pin is now being officially reproduced for wear on adult uniforms.
The Wing Scout Pin was silver plated
and cost 40 cents for several years.
It was worn on the Senior uniform
next to the membership pin. The Wing Scout program ended in 1963, but Seniors could continue with an Aviation Interest Patch.
The pin continued to be sold for a few years, as a replacement.
...between the ages of 15-18...
World War II
Metal-shortage cloth Wings Badge
The Curved Bar Award started in 1940 to give First Class Girl Scouts something more challenging to do.
At first a gold curved patch was worn on the uniform.
The pin was introduced in 1947 and was worn on the Intermediate uniform. Discontinued 1963.
This pin is now being officially reproduced for wear on adult uniforms.
Girl Scout Service Bar Pins,
the unsung heroes of the many hours of devoted service given by Girl Scouts. Why, oh why, don't they have a GS logo or anything to denote that a Girl Scout selflessly gave time and energy giving back to her community?
Began 1953, evolved and continues today.
Click here to visit the Girl Scout Service Bar Pins page for more detailed information.
The first 4 Challenge Pins were introduced in 1963.
They were designed to give Cadettes real-life experience and to test their
ability, knowledge and skill.
8 Challenge Pins were added in 1972, to continue to challenge Cadettes.
This phase brought a change to the way a Cadette could earn her First Class Badge - now it could be earned just by completing the challenges alone - although the 2 other ways were still good - earning badges, and earning badges and challenges together.
1963; Social Dependability, Emergency Preparedness, Active Citizenship, Girl Scout Promise.
1972; Arts, Community Action, Environment, International Understanding, Knowing Myself, My Heritage, Out-of-Doors, Today's World.
Juliette Low World Friendship pins; (L-R) 1970's era, 1979, and recent era.
Pins are worn by girls and adults who attend a JLWFF event.
This is an exception to the "girl-only" label to this page.
I really, really hope that the pin design has been updated. I've never been a fan of the lumpy trefoil look.
From Dreams to Reality - Adventures in Careers Pin and Patch Program
Cadettes & Seniors
To earn the pin (and a certificate) the girl had to complete at least 25 hours doing 1 or more of the "Pilot" activities.
To earn the patch (and an activity certificate) the same girl now had to complete 5 Insight Activities, 5 Close-up Activities and 4 Try-outs. After all that, the pin and patch was not considered "official" and could not be worn on the front of the sash/vest or
whatever Seniors were using at the time for patches.
Note here the cumbersome "GS of the USA" title on both the pin and patch. Not GSUSA.
In 1980, the 3" square Dreams to Reality patch was dropped and this official patch was offered, meaning it and the pin could now be worn on the front of the sash.
In 1987 the Dreams to Reality pin was discontinued and the new Career Exploration pin was put in it's place. This pin lasted until the 2011-2012 phase out-phase in era.
Although noted in the 1980 catalog as Cadette Challenge Pin - Green and Senior Challenge Pin - Blue, Seniors could also earn the green Challenge of Being a Girl Scout "green" pin. However, the "green" pin was a path to the Silver Award.
By 1987 pins and program changed to make them specifically Cadette or Senior and required earning these pins as part of the Silver or Gold Award path.
1987 - appears to have been discontinued around 2012.
Introduced in 1980, the 10-year pin was for Senior wear (now Ambassadors too) and required council approval. The council approval was later dropped. This close-up shows the original design (L) with the lumpy trefoil and the post 2011 return to the traditional trefoil. Continues today.
1987 brought the first of the yellow adult style pins for older girls in training for adult positions.
1995 several more options were offered.
Pin = 10 hours
Patch = 25 hours
It whole program was revamped in 2011 to include Ambassadors and simplified the pins that could be earned.
Studio 2B made its debut in the 2003 catalog. The Pendant/Pin and the Charm Holder with Studio 2B were offered. In 2007, the Charm Holder changed to a simple shooting star design.
Golden Eagle of Merit ??? | Golden Eaglet | Girl Scout Thanks Badge | Evolution of Girl Scout Membership Pins
Girl Scout Membership Pins | Girl Scout Adult Pins | Girl Scout Leader Pins | GS Membership Stars and Year Pins
Girl-Only Girl Scout Pins | Girl Scout Service Bar Pins | Girl Scout Mariner Pins
Girl Scout War Service Pin, more info
Girl Scout Community Service Pin, more info
Girl Scout TOFS USAGSO | WAGGGS Pins & Patches | Girl Scout Flags & Friendship Pins
Girl Scout Figural Pins | Girl Scout Fun Pins | Girl Scout Fun Pins 2 | Girl Scout Embroidered Pins