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Uniquely Girl Scout

This page is devoted to those items that are uniquely Girl Scout yet defy being placed anywhere else in the Vintage Girl Scout Online Museum. Usually there's not much information about them.



Some planters have red detailing in the uniforms.

This Girl Scout ceramic trefoil caught my eye because it appears to be professionally made. Size is unknown. The golden yellow glaze is an interesting choice. No maker's mark. I considered that maybe someone used a cookie cutter, or the Wilton Girl Scout trefoil shaped molds (1960's) or crafting molds, but they don't seem to match in this trefoil design.

I don't know anything about this red trefoil item other than it appears to have a metal edge. I don't know the size, what the "red" is made of, the size of it - nothing.

Update: It's 2" round

Relpo #5682 - Girl Scout planters, 6.5" tall, 5' wide, 4" deep. Made in Japan, imported by Samson Import Company/ Chicago, IL, with 1966 date. Both planters carry the same production number.

2 styles; Girl Scout with frying pan and Girl Scout with record player

Application of glaze and detailing varies. Some planters have red glaze on neckerchief and patches on arms. Some planters barely have any green for the uniform.
Girl Scout Lamp - dimensions unknown, electric (the cord appears thick and old), red plastic? Shows scenes of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts camping, illuminated from within. Maker unknown.

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